Make the most of your Daintree Adventure

If you are an adventurous nature lover, the Daintree Rainforest tours are just for you. The unspoiled forest, rich bodies of water and challenging trails will surely get your adrenaline pumping.
Before you start your Daintree Rainforest adventure, here are some tips to make the most of your experience:

Prepare for long trails ahead 

North Queensland is home to numerous trails that attract tourists and hiking enthusiasts alike. These walks usually take about 1 hour to complete. Do not forget to bring at least 3-4 litres of water with you to stay hydrated

1.       Bring first aid kits
Daintree spans miles of wild unspoiled and sometimes unexplored territory. Bring first aid kits to quickly address bruises, scrapes, cuts, and other minor injuries.

2.       Keep dry
The Daintree is known for its unpredictable rain. Bring an extra change of clothes or wear a raincoat in case you get caught in a downpour

3.       Never smile at a crocodile

The Daintree is home to many salt water crocodiles. Stay safe and avoid bodies of water that are marked with crocodile warning signs. When in doubt, ask the locals.

4.       Watch out for jellyfish
Warm waters in summer brings box jellyfishes to the shores of Cape Tribulation. They inject toxins than can paralyse you in minutes and cause drowning before you can even reach land. If you are stung, washing area with vinegar can slow down the toxin to give you time to get help. 

5.       Dont get tangled and stung in the forest
Stinging trees and wait-a-while bushes grow throughout this rainforest. Some people get stuck on wait-a-while bushes and get tangled with their spines. Wear clothes that can cover your whole body to avoid these painful forest stingers. 

When visiting the Daintree, remember these tips to stay safe and make the most of your time. For more information, ask the staff at Cape Tribulation Beach House

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