4 Exotic Fruits of the Daintree Rainforest

Visiting Far North Queensland would not be complete if you haven’t tasted the tropical fruits that grow in the Daintree Rainforest. Its warm equatorial climate and fertile soil that has been around for centuries make it a perfect place for exotic fruits to thrive in. Some locals even refer to the region as the “exotic fruit bowl of the world”.

Daintree Rainforest tours often include fruit tasting as part of their afternoon tea break. Here is a list of what you might encounter.

Photo by toptropicals.com
This is probably the most delicate fruit you will ever encounter in your life. The rollinia is a yellow fruit with bumpy surface. It quickly develops bruises and turn black once cut from the tree. It even gets bruised from its own weight when left on a hard surface. This is probably the reason why you won’t see this fruit in supermarkets or shipped anywhere. The delicate characteristic is matched by its heavenly taste that is reminiscent of lemon meringue pie.


If you find yourself craving for bread in the forest, then you’re in luck! Green with small spikes that resemble jackfruits. The breadfruit has a bland flavour that tastes exactly like freshly baked bread. Slices of its flesh are usually toasted and served with a sprinkle of salt. These fruits are used as source of starch in the Pacific. 

Photo by: del.h-cdn.co

Black Sapote
The famous chocolate pudding fruit. The black sapote is dark brown in colour and has a soft flesh that really looks like pudding. However, be warned that the chocolate pudding fruit tastes nothing like its namesake. It has a rather bland flavour that can only be enhanced by adding rum, vanilla or cream.

Photo by daleysfruit.com.au

Ice-cream bean
Who would have thought that you can find ice-cream inside a pod? It may not look like your favourite cold dessert but the wool surrounding each seed inside the pod tastes like sweet vanilla ice cream. It’s definitely a must try!

These fruits are just some of the countless tropical fruits you can find when visiting the Daintree. Travel to far north Queensland and enjoy not just the exotic flavours but also the rich history and sceneries of the area.

photo credit: Exotic and Forbidden via photopin (license) photo credit: Very strange fruit (Bread Fruit) via photopin (license)