Daintree Rainforest Travel Essentials

Gigantic trees, fascinating animals and the surreal feeling of walking in a forest straight out of a fairy-tale. Hearing about the wonders that the world’s oldest rainforest has to offer will make you want to book a Daintree accommodation. Like in any other holiday, fun and safety and preparedness go hand in hand on a trip to the Daintree.

Here are four things you should remember to pack when visiting one of Australia’s natural wonders:

Loose cotton clothes

Leave your fashion sense at the inn or villa. The Daintree is ‘tropical’ making it humid and warm with high temperatures reaching 27-33ºC. Visitors are advised to wear loose fitting cotton clothes to stay cool and comfortable. Tight fitted clothes allow mosquitoes and creepy crawlies to bite through the thin stretchy fabric. Wear any colour except black because it attracts mosquitoes.

Important chemicals

Soap, Dispenser, Sanitize, Hygiene, Hygienic

Alcohol, insecticide and insect repellent are three things you may need. Before roaming the rainforest, apply insect repellent as there are insects of different sorts. One of the insects, visitors should watch out for are ticks. They can hide on plants and logs while carrying diseases like Lyme disease. If ever you get bitten by a tick, apply alcohol or insecticide on it to kill it. Remove it from your skin using tweezers. When you get back to the city, see a doctor immediately.

Water bottle
Thirsty Man, Drink, Drinking, Water, Male, Young

Temperatures in the rainforest can climb up to 33ºC which makes it easy to get sweaty and dehydrated. March through April is still the wet season so high temperatures are possible. Tour guides bring drinking water in large containers so tourists can refill their bottles.

A container for rubbish
Recycle bins Free Photo

Never leave waste in the rainforest. Whether biodegradable or non-biodegradable, all rubbish should be taken home. Fruit scraps shouldn’t be left behind because they may contain seeds that can germinate. To help keep the Daintree environment clean remember to take your rubbish with you when leaving the rainforest.  

The Daintree is a great place to visit because of its biodiversity and breath-taking views. However, it also requires preparation from its guests. As some travel guides say, you are most likely to be the only danger that you will be facing when you get there. Make sure you’re are properly prepared for your next trip to the Daintree.