Three Cape Tribulation Travel Essentials

You’ve booked your flights to Cairns, your Daintree rainforest accommodation and your boss has approved your leave, now it’s time to pack! You know the basics: clothes, toiletries, sunnies, camera, money. However, depending on your destination, there are other items you might need to bring.

Here are three additional travel essentials for your Cape Tribulation adventure:

  • Stinger Suit 

Marine stingers or box jellyfish are in season from November to June. It is best not to swim in the beaches during these months to avoid injury. Take note that the Daintree and Cape Tribulation are remote locations and some places are a long way from the hospital. If you decide you really want to swim in the ocean, make sure to wear a stinger suit. When going on a guided ocean tour, stinger suits are usually provided by the tour guide. Some beaches install stinger nets during the season to prevent the jellyfish from getting near visit.

  • First Aid Kit 

Australian summers can bring temperatures up to (and over) a scorching 40°C and some animals, like marine stingers, get a little more exposed than usual. There is more potential for injury in the warmer weather so make sure you come prepared. You might want to include vinegar in your first aid kit, in case of a box jellyfish sting. If you are stung, treat it by pouring vinegar over the stinger before removing it. Note that this remedy works well with jellyfish stings but not with other aquatic animals sting. 

  • Knowledge about Animals 

The Daintree Rainforest is home to a variety of fascinating species. As a safety precaution, it is important to know how to deal with them when encountered face to face. For example, the cassowary is a flightless bird that can grow taller than a young child. While this bird is quite shy, it can attack anything or anybody who goes near its nest, if it gets agitated or is backed into a corner. If you encounter a cassowary, remain calm and slowly back away. Don’t run because although this bird doesn’t fly, it can run faster than the average person.

A smart tourist comes to the destination well-informed and prepared. Hopefully, these three Cape Tribulation travel essentials will be included in your holiday preparations. After all, a trouble-free holiday is the best kind of holiday.